This week, it was announced that the Tenant Fee Ban will come into effect from 1 June 2019.
The announcement was made by Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth, the government’s housing spokesperson in the House of Lords, who said: “The ban on lettings fees would apply to all tenancies signed after this date.”
Responding to the news, Isobel Thomson, NALS CEO:
“At last agents have clarity on the date of implementation of the fee ban which the Government has laid great store by in terms of improving the lot of tenants. Only time will tell whether that is the case or whether tenants will end up paying more through increased rent.
“We believe that good, professional agents will be able to meet the challenges facing their businesses as a result of the ban, but it is vital that enforcement is ramped up to ensure that all agents comply with the requirement and those who flout it are dealt with appropriately.”